The Masters of Defence is a community group local to Brighton and Hove on the south coast of England
The goal of the masters of defence is to operate in a manner similar to their historic counterparts of Elizabthan England
The historic Masters of defence were an association of Masters who ran schools in London and worked together for the benefit of each other and the science of defence
Contrary to popular belief the Masters of Defence were not an incorporated or liveried guild although they did operate their organisation in a similar manner
The modern Masters of Defence intends to operate in a similar manner as a governing body for schools that teach historic English martial arts
Similarly to the ancient masters the modern association is run by a council of members who vote on various aspects of the running of the constituent schools
The association will govern rules of schools as well as provide insurance, equipment and other such fripperies of running a martial arts school
The association will also host seminars and demonstrations locally, nationally an internationally to spread the knowledge of the traditional martiala rts of England